
Hollywood actress Mary Steenburgen, married to actor Ted Danson, on stage with her husband, the 2014 SIMA Environmentalist of the Year Honoree on Saturday evening. --- The Surfing Industry Manufacturers Association hosted the 25th Annual 2014 SIMA Waterman's Ball at the Ritz Carlton Hotel & Resort in Dana Point on Saturday August 9, 2014. The event, meant to honor outstanding achievement in the sport of surfing with a Waterman award, Lifetime Achievement Award, Environmentalist of the Year Award as well as a Special Recognition Award. Australian and Professional Surfer, Tom Carrol/Waterman of the Year, Surfboard Shaper Rusty Preisendorfer/Lifetime Achievement, Hollywood Actor Ted Danson/Environmentalist of the Year, with Special Recognition for the late Hobie Alter's family accepted by the late Alter's son, Jeff Alter.
David Bro